Transforming Care at Home

We accept referrals from across England and Wales. We welcome referrals from Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Local Authority (LA) commissioners as well as social workers, care co-ordinators and case managers.

We also welcome individuals funded through direct payments.  We are on various Local Authority and ICB frameworks nationally.

We are always happy to accept referrals for individuals with particularly complex needs and/or behaviours perceived to be challenging, and who other community providers have declined.

Occasionally following a thorough assessment it can be apparent that some adults, for whatever reason, are not yet ready for the move into a home of their own. If this is the case, our team are happy to offer advice and work with the existing care team to agree what needs to happen next in order to prepare someone for a successful discharge at a future date.


Why Choose Gray Healthcare?

From experience we know that by putting all the right steps in place at the start, we can offer supported living for adults with complex needs, and deliver a sustainable long-term placement. By doing this, we can give them the chance of a new, less restrictive life in a home they can call their own.

 The model illustrates the six key components that together enable us to achieve our goal of ‘bringing healthcare home’ for the people we support.

Find out how we mobilise our packages of support

(from contract agreement to package ‘go live’)

Delivering positive outcomes

In October 2023 we published our latest Clinical Outcomes Report.  Of particular interest this year is that we are supporting adults with the same level of complexity but have managed to further reduce our overall package hours compared with 2022.  We are noticing a trend for this reduction in package hours to be achievable for approximately a third of the people we support within two years of receiving support from us.

However, providing a completely tailored package of support for each person is not something we can deliver overnight. Recruiting the best teams and training them to our exacting standards and to the individual’s needs before they start to work with us can take a little time. For this reason we are unable to accept emergency referrals.

What our referrers say about us ....

Comfortable and safe

'His family have praised the work the staff team have conducted over the past months. Well done to the staff team for assisting him in achieving him to have a home that he feels comfortable and safe.'


Commissioning Manager 
(West Midlands)

Obvious genuine care, love and support

'I first met J when he was very poorly in hospital. The team should be extremely proud of the obvious genuine care, love and support they have given to him and what they and he have achieved together.'


Social Worker

An exceptional job

'I absolutely echo what you have said, Gray Healthcare really are doing an exceptional job with her! Thank you to all of you for your support and what you have done for her, we know it isn’t an easy ride. Because of all of you, she has remained well in the community for eight months now which I believe is the longest time she has been in the community and been well!'


Social Worker/Best Interest Assessor

I’m really impressed!

'I just wanted to say what a joy it was to read the daily notes . The staff are doing a fantastic job of supporting her and offering the ongoing advice and encouragement about diet and exercise. It is clear they feel able to gently challenge her in these areas, which often results in her accepting the advice and making better choices. Her social life is really starting to develop and open up, attending a group which she clearly enjoys, I note she has also been to a disco and loved it and found the confidence to sing on a karaoke, this is brilliant. I can see plans with the OT to go to a sensory room and to think about having a sensory space in her own home. I am really impressed,  please pass on my feedback to her staff team.'


 Social Worker (Lancashire)

Make a referral

We accept referrals from across England and Wales. You can contact our central referral team by telephone, email or by completing our online enquiry form. Refer someone today to our supported living for adults with complex needs, and we’ll see how we can start providing them with the support they need.

0330 123 123

Referral Form