About our property solutions for supported living

Every part of the support we provide is tailored to each person. Wherever possible, this also extends to accommodation. It is always our aim to move individuals to a property in the geographical area of their choice and close to their family and friends.  Exploring all available options for supported living is key. so that we can find the most suitable property for the individual.

Finding the perfect property

If we can get the environment right, we can more easily help people to move forward in their lives. For these reasons, we do not simply move individuals into a property where we happen to have a vacancy. We prefer to work with the people we support, their families and our referrers to find the best long-term option for supported living for each person.

For people who will be supported individually in the community with their own tenancies, we can help with sourcing accommodation, but it is our preference that this is done by the social work team looking after the person. Social housing is always the most financially viable and sustainable route.

Adapting a property

Once a property has been identified, our team are happy to visit and advise on any adaptations that may be needed to create a better environment for the individual. If social housing is not a suitable option, for example, if a person requires a bespoke property solution, we can work with one of our housing partners to source and secure a suitable property.


Tailored supported living needs

Not everyone is suited to living in their own home with their own team. Some of the people we support prefer to live in a community setting with others who like them, need some level of clinical support to live outside of a hospital environment. We are happy to work with commissioning teams to provide supported living to individuals within a cluster type arrangement of several bungalows or apartments, each with their own front door. Each individual still has their own support team but also benefit from having shared staff and neighbours.

Who are our supported living options for?

Gray Healthcare is dedicated to helping individuals move out of hospitals and institutions when they no longer need to be there, by offering personalised support to meet their complex needs.  We ensure that each person we support has a care plan specifically tailored to them, incorporating out in-reach services as part of the process.

Our clinical framework is designed to provide the right support from the outset.  Our in-reach team plays a crucial role in ensuring individuals feel comfortable and ready to begin their move to their new home.  This approach has contributed to over two-thirds of the people we support successfully transitioning to supported independent living.

Our dedicated support team

We provide every person that we support with their own team of support workers, who are dedicated to providing the best possible care.  All of our support workers are specifically chosen to match the needs of the person who needs support, so that all the necessary skill sets and support is always available.

By doing this we can ensure that everything from the property to the team providing help, are all bespoke to the specific needs of the individual that will benefit from our supported living.

Looking for supported living options?

Are you looking for property solutions for someone who might benefit from supported independent living?  Get in touch with our team today, to find out more about how you can refer someone for supported living.  See how we can find the perfect property that’s matched with someone’s needs, and start helping someone who could benefit from our support today.